Tuesday, July 29, 2014

First KEY Styling Gig: Brandon Knight 2014 ESPY'S

 Look #1 - Gatorade Player Awards Banquet
Shirt - Sand
Collar Bar - Tie Bar
Tie - Tie Bar
Blazer - Hugo Boss
Trousers - Zenga
Belt - Louis Vuitton
Shoes - Givenchy
Watch -  Brandon's own

Very touching speech from Karl Towns Jr...wasn't expecting all that...sheesh!!
 Look #2 - 2014 ESPY Awards
Suit - Zenga
Tie - Tie Bar
Collar Pin - Topshop
Belt - Hugo Boss
Shoes - Louis Vuitton
Watch - Brandon's own
 That feeling after you've accomplished something you worked so hard for and you're doing EXACTLY what you want is indescribable...
whatever this feeling is,
 I think I love it!  
Never let anyone discourage you from following your dreams.  You'll be surprised what you can accomplish when you tune out all of the noise and just focus.
Everything you need to do in order to achieve your dreams is already instinctively inside of you.  Follow that instinct and it will guide you to your destiny. -@iamashcash
I'm not sure about you, but I'm trying to be great! 
#thisisonlythebeginning #laserfocused
After 5 days of #teamnosleep...my work here is done. I'm out!

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