Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm Back.

Shoutout to my best friend for calling me out on not updating my blog in over a month...that's what friends are for! Between working two jobs, sewing lessons, and coordinating an upcoming birthday bash for family, I simply have not had time.  I'm not making excuses because you should always make time to do what you love.  I just got caught up in the preparation stage and put the main driving force for that preparation on the back burner.  In addition, its very hard for me to tell people "no".  So that's why I have been MIA for the past month, but no more! Even if it's just one picture per post, I am going to set aside time to update my blog at least twice per week....and to think I said I would update it everyday when I first started LOL!  Thanks friend I needed that little nudge!

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